Tuesday, November 04, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, Jonah and I watched a DVD about the Space Station. Shortly thereafter, he announced that he wasn't going to wear any clothes because he was a Proton rocket and rockets don't wear clothes. This wasn't a fundamentally new thing, because Jonah is usually something other than a kid or a boy, but it was different in two ways. First, this was the first time he was an object instead of a type of person. In fact, in the days that followed, he moved from rocket to bucket truck to garbage can.
Second, this was the first time he wanted to be totally naked. This was the real shocker because Jonah is very clothing conscious -- he chooses button-down shirts most days and wears them with the collar up, he will no longer wear t-shirts with pictures on them, and he swaps his wardrobe with the smallest sign of dirt.
While naked is okay at home, we didn't really want him in the buff at school. His grandma Janet convinced him to wear some "paint" -- one of two sets of REI longjohns. He now wears them whenever they are clean.