Monday, February 26, 2007

Toddler Talk

Now that we have a new digital camera, I'll be uploading clips of Jonah to Google Video. This one shows some great talking.

At 21 months, Jonah's speech is amazing. A few days ago, for example, he told Michele "Daddy car dirty has bird poo". And yes, he was right. He continues to repeat pretty much anything we say, but he's clearly doing more than mimicking. A few other interesting developmental tidbits:

- He can say his numbers one through nine. He understands the meaning of "two" and "four" (he usually gets either two or four cookies with dinner), but he doesn't understand counting yet. As an example, while he knows that "three" comes after "two", he doesn't get that when you start with two cards and add one more you would call this "three".

- Jonah has a few letters that he still has trouble saying. "Like" is "wike". "Snake" is "thnake". "Bath" is "baff".

- We think he has just started gaining consciousness of dreams. He told Michele last week, "Good night, firefly. See you later." We've traced this to the Dragon Tales cartoon he sometimes watches on PBS. However, he has now told us that he's seen Firefly at night. Last night, he was afraid to go to sleep because of the firefly. I explained what dreams were and told him that sometimes we have to be brave, but in the end he wouldn’t go to sleep until we plugged in a brighter night light. I remember wanting a night light when I was scared to go to sleep as a kid. I guess it works for Jonah, too.

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